Calculate & Analyze workspace

The Calculate & Analyze workspace is used to calculate result sets and to generate result set reports.

CalculateAndAnalyze workspace

A Result Set is a set of projects from a specific hierarchy that have been calculated together and stored in the Planning Space tenant.

The Result Sets explorer uses a folder structure to display the result sets that currently exist in the tenant; however they will only be visible (and modifiable) if your current user account has the permissions to view (or modify) each result set.

In a Standard Result Set, there are one or more Result Set Runs. Runs are based on the same inputs to which different settings, such as alternative prices or sensitivities, may be applied. After a Result Set has been successfully calculated, a Run can be opened and used to generate Result Set Reports. For more information, see Standard result set and Result Set Reports.

For version 16.5 Update 1 and later: The Sensitivity Result Set functions implement a sensitivity engine for Planning Space Economics. See Sensitivity Result Set.

For version 16.5 Update 1 and later: Report groups can be used to pivot the Result Set reporting hierarchy differently than the calculation hierarchy. See Report Groups.

For version 16.5 Update 2 and later: A new application tenant setting ‘Enforce Current Hierarchy Permissions In Calculated Result Sets' has been added which allows Planning Space tenant administrators to change the permissions behavior for users when generating reports from result set runs. When the setting is False, any user with read access to a result set will be able to generate reports from all documents included in the result set; when set to True, the user's access to each document will be determined by the user's current document-level permissions in the calculation hierarchy. The default setting is True to maintain compatiblity with earlier versions.

For version 16.5 Update 15 and later: Security permissions (based on user accounts or workgroups) can be applied to folders in the Result Sets explorer. The permissions control user's access to view, use or modify the result sets and/or folders inside. When you use the permissions editor you can, optionally, apply the same edits to other parts of the hierarchy (the children and/or parents of the current node). See Result Sets.

Reporting based on Fiscal Years

For version 16.5 Update 7 and later: Result Set reporting can be set to run using Fiscal Years (FY) instead of calendar years. The setting Fiscal Year-End can be used in Standard or Variance result set reports.

Data in result sets are always stored using monthly values and calendar year periods. The Fiscal Year-End setting only affects the presentation of the data in reports.

There is an independent setting for using Fiscal Years in regime calculations; see Fiscal Year regimes. The independence means that, for example, a Consolidated Corporate report could use a different fiscal calendar than the regimes used for result set calculations for the constituent countries.